

Table names

Table names use the format namespace:path. Namespaces can use:

  • numbers (0123456789)

  • lowercase letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)

  • underscores (_)

  • hyphens (-)

  • periods (.)

Paths can use:

  • numbers (0123456789)

  • lowercase letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)

  • underscores (_)

  • hyphens (-)

  • periods (.)

  • forward slashes (/)


See here for an explanation of the method documentation format used on this page.

static LootTable getTable(String tableName)

Gets a loot table by name.

  • tableName - the unique name of the table.


if no loot table exists with the specified name.


the table with the specified name.

// Get the dungeon loot table and store it for later
val simple_dungeon = loottweaker.LootTweaker.getTable("minecraft:chests/simple_dungeon");
static LootTable newTable(String tableName)

Creates a new table with a given name. LootTweaker created tables behave exactly like mod created tables, with one exception. They cannot be dumped by /ct loottables byName or /ct loottables all at this time. To view the JSON form, load a save, then check its data/loot_tables folder.

  • tableName - the unique name of the table. It should be similar to your pack name. Avoid using minecraft or loottweaker as namespaces for tables your pack creates.


if the table name implicitly or explicitly uses the minecraft namespace. This warning can be disabled in LootTweaker’s config.


if a loot table with the specified name already exists.


an empty table with the specified name.

// Create a new loot table and store it for later
val dave = loottweaker.LootTweaker.newTable("examplepack:dave");