

Each instance of this type represents a specific pool of a loot table.

Condition and function formatting

Conditions and functions should be supplied to methods as JSON format maps/ or Conditions/Functions. Do not supply the conditions/functions as part of a parent tag. When using a map to supply conditions or functions, it is recommended that you surround the keys with double quotes(“), as otherwise any keys which are ZenScript keywords(e.g function) will cause issues.


    "min": 0.0,
    "max": 2.0
    "function": "minecraft:set_count"

Not Recommended

    min: 0.0,
    max: 2.0
    function: "minecraft:set_count"

Converting JSON format maps to LootCondition/LootFunction

As of 0.3.0 JSON format maps are automatically converted to Conditions/Functions as needed, so any LootFunction/LootCondition parameter will accept a JSON format map.


See here for an explanation of the method documentation format used on this page.

addConditions(LootCondition[] conditions)

Adds conditions to the pool.


import loottweaker.vanilla.loot.Conditions;

// somePool is a LootPool created elsewhere
    {"condition": "killed_by_player"},
removeEntry(String entryName)

Removes the entry with a matching entryName tag from the pool



if no entry with the specified name exists in the pool

// somePool is a LootPool created elsewhere
addItemEntry(IItemStack iStack, int weight, int quality, LootFunction[] functions, LootCondition[] conditions, String name)

Adds a new item type entry to the pool.


  • iStack - the item stack the entry should produce. LootTweaker will autogenerate set_nbt, set_damage/set_data and set_count functions based on this stack, unless functions contains a function of the same type.

  • weight - the main component that determines the generation chance. Higher weights make entries generate more often.

  • quality - determines how much the Luck attribute affects the generation chance. Higher qualities make the luck attribute affect the generation chance more.

  • functions - functions that affect the stack(s) generated by the entry. JSON format maps are automatically converted.

  • conditions - conditions for the generation of the entry. JSON format maps are automatically converted.

  • name - (Optional) a name for the entry. Must be unique within the pool.


if the pool already contains an entry with the same name.

import loottweaker.vanilla.loot.Conditions;

// somePool is a LootPool created elsewhere
    1, // weight 1, i.e. low generation chance. Actual chance depends on total pool weight.
    0, // Default quality
    [], // No functions
    "someEntry" // Optional entry name
addItemEntry(IItemStack stack, int weightIn, int qualityIn, String name)

Adds a new item type entry to the pool, with no conditions or functions.


  • iStack - the item stack the entry should produce. LootTweaker will autogenerate set_nbt, set_damage/set_data and set_count functions based on this stack, unless functions contains a function of the same type.

  • weight - the main component that determines the generation chance. Higher weights make entries generate more often.

  • name - (Optional) a name for the entry. Must be unique within the pool.


if the pool already contains an entry with the same name.

addItemEntry(IItemStack stack, int weightIn, String name)

Adds a new item type entry to the pool, with no conditions or functions, and a quality of 0.


  • iStack - the item stack the entry should produce. LootTweaker will autogenerate set_nbt, set_damage/set_data and set_count functions based on this stack, unless functions contains a function of the same type.

  • weight - the main component that determines the generation chance. Higher weights make entries generate more often.

  • name - (Optional) a name for the entry. Must be unique within the pool.


if the pool already contains an entry with the same name.

addLootTableEntry(String tableName, int weightIn, int qualityIn, LootCondition[] conditions, String name)

Adds a new loot_table type entry to the pool.


  • tableName - the identifier for the table the entry should generate loot from.

  • weight - the main component that determines the generation chance. Higher weights make entries generate more often.

  • quality- determines how much the Luck attribute affects the generation chance. Higher qualities make the luck attribute affect the generation chance more.

  • conditions - conditions for the generation of the entry. JSON format maps are automatically converted.

  • name - (Optional) a name for the entry. Must be unique within the pool.


if the pool already contains an entry with the same name.

import loottweaker.vanilla.loot.Conditions;

// somePool is a LootPool created elsewhere
    1, // weight 1, i.e. low generation chance. Actual chance depends on total pool weight.
    0, // Default quality
    "someEntry" // Optional entry name
addLootTableEntry(String tableName, int weightIn, int qualityIn, String name)

Adds a new loot_table type entry to the pool with no conditions.


  • tableName - the identifier for the table the entry should generate loot from.

  • weight - the main component that determines the generation chance. Higher weights make entries generate more often.

  • quality - determines how much the Luck attribute affects the generation chance. Higher qualities make the luck attribute affect the generation chance more.

  • conditions - conditions for the generation of the entry.

  • name - (Optional) a name for the entry. Must be unique within the pool.


if the pool already contains an entry with the same name.

addLootTableEntry(String tableName, int weightIn, String name)

Adds a new loot_table type entry to the pool with no conditions, and a quality of 0.


  • tableName - the identifier for the table the entry should generate loot from.

  • weight - the main component that determines the generation chance. Higher weights make entries generate more often.

  • quality - determines how much the Luck attribute affects the generation chance. Higher qualities make the luck attribute affect the generation chance more.

  • conditions - conditions for the generation of the entry.

  • name - (Optional) a name for the entry. Must be unique within the pool.


if the pool already contains an entry with the same name.

addEmptyEntry(int weight, int quality, LootCondition[] conditions, String name)

Adds a new empty type entry to the pool.


  • weight - the main component that determines the generation chance. Higher weights make entries generate more often.

  • quality - determines how much the Luck attribute affects the generation chance. Higher qualities make the luck attribute affect the generation chance more.

  • conditions - conditions for the generation of the entry. JSON format maps are automatically converted.

  • name - (Optional) a name for the entry. Must be unique within the pool.


if the pool already contains an entry with the same name.

import loottweaker.vanilla.loot.Conditions;

// somePool is a LootPool created elsewhere
    1, // weight 1, i.e. low generation chance. Actual chance depends on total pool weight.
    0, // Default quality
    "someEntry" // Optional entry name
addEmptyEntry(int weight, int quality, String name)

Adds a new empty type entry to the pool with no conditions.


  • weight - the main component that determines the generation chance. Higher weights make entries generate more often.

  • quality - determines how much the Luck attribute affects the generation chance. Higher qualities make the luck attribute affect the generation chance more.

  • name - (Optional) a name for the entry. Must be unique within the pool.


if the pool already contains an entry with the same name.

addEmptyEntry(int weight, String name)

Adds a new empty type entry to the pool with no conditions, and a quality of 0.


  • weight - the main component that determines the generation chance. Higher weights make entries generate more often.

  • quality - determines how much the Luck attribute affects the generation chance. Higher qualities make the luck attribute affect the generation chance more.

  • name - (Optional) a name for the entry. Must be unique within the pool.


if the pool already contains an entry with the same name.

setRolls(float min, float max)

Sets the minimum and maximum rolls of the pool to the specified values.


  • min - the new minimum rolls value

  • max - the new maximum rolls value

// somePool is a LootPool created elsewhere
somePool.setRolls(0, 1);
setBonusRolls(float min, float max)

Sets the minimum and maximum bonus rolls of the pool to the specified values.


  • min - the new minimum bonus rolls value.

  • max - the new maximum bonus rolls value.

// somePool is a LootPool created elsewhere
somePool.setBonusRolls(0, 1);

Removes all loot conditions attached to this loot pool. Loot conditions and loot functions attached to child entries are unaffected.

// somePool is a LootPool created elsewhere

Removes all entries from this loot pool.

// somePool is a LootPool created elsewhere